Akadálymentes HU





BusesThe Cog-wheel RailwayThe Children’s RailwayThe Libegő ChairliftParkingCyclingWalking

Bicycles can access Jánoshegyi Road from Budakeszi Road and Konkoly-Thege Miklós Road, or Tündérhegyi Road from Budakeszi Road and Mátyás Király Road. 

Currently there are bicycle routes on Mátyás Király Road, Tündérhegyi Road, and Jánoshegyi Road. Besides these, it is possible to ride along forest trails which do not pass through environmentally protected areas or along trails exclusively for hiking.

Following some basic rules makes bicycle riding in the forest safe for everyone. We ask everyone to read through these rules and follow them.

  • Marked walking trails can be used by cyclists if there are also signs allowing cycling.
  • The KRESZ road rules apply on all bicycle paths in the forest.
  • Always choose your speed according to the road conditions and stay below the speed limit of 30 km/h in the Park.
  • On forestry roads marked for bicycles, expect poor visibility, uneven surfaces, steep gradients, tight bends and work vehicles.
  • It is forbidden to deviate from designated bike paths in environmentally protected areas.
  • Everyone who uses the paths must be responsible for their safety.

Many cyclists use Normafa Park’s slopes for downhill cycling. Under the rules stated here, this would be forbidden throughout the entire area. However, agreements exist for the use of some secluded paths where cyclists can enjoy this thrilling yet dangerous sport as long as they follow the rules. In recent times several accidents, not only caused by downhill cyclists, but by walkers crossing these paths, have resulted in injury. Once again, we ask everyone to be careful and follow the rules.

Children under the age of 12 are not permitted to cycle on the walkway between Normafa and the Libegő chairlift.

We ask that you take extreme care when riding near walkers, especially children.

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