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A forest walk on János-hegy and Tündér-hegy
A forest walk on János-hegy and Tündér-hegy
A longer walk from Normafa to the Lóvasút Centre
Starting from Normafa, follow the blue circuit trail across the edge of the Egyetemi slope towards St. Anna Chapel.  From here, go up to the ridgeline to find a crossroads – the blue circuit trail continues to the right.  After passing the former Sport Hotel, bear to the right and walk among the tall birch trees, following the ridgeline to the upper station of Libegő charlift.  From here walk up the asphalt road to Erzsébet lookout at the top of János-hegy (John Hill), or if you are very fit climb the stairs shaded by trees. Turn right from the lower terrace of the lookout and go down a narrow serpentine path in the direction of Átjáró-barlang (Passageway Cave). Turn right at the road and proceed a few metres more to reach the cave. Continue along the road and turn left at the green triangle trail. It winds downhill, passing under the chairlift at another road and arriving at the quarry at Tündér-hegy (Fairy Hill). The marked trail leads few more metres down some stairs to Tündér-szikla (Fairy Rock). The green triangle trail leads out of the park to the road that leads to the  Lóvasút Cultural and Event Centre.
A Normafa táblától észak felé indulva, a kék körút jelzést követve az Egyetemi-lejtő peremén keresztül jutunk el az Anna-réti kápolnához. Innen felsétálva a 

Difficulty: Excluding the steeper section at the lookout, the route is fairly level, and after the lookout it remains downhill to Lóvasút.
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All height:112 m
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