Akadálymentes HU





Harang-völgy (Bell Valley)
Harang-völgy (Bell Valley)

Harang-völgy (Bell Valley) has the most beautiful and diverse flora of Budapest. The valley has a long sporting history.  It has been used as a ski run since the late 1940s.


In order to preserve the many protected plant species, this area is now reserved mainly for nature walks. From spring to autumn the plant life of the valley presents a changing picture, so accordingly it is only mown in a mosaic pattern, and some sections are only mown once a year.


A path beaten along the valley draws walkers in to marvel at the sight of plants in various resplendent colours. Every season, visitors return to be enchanted by the ever-changing colours of the trees and hills.


Erzsébet lookout on the summit of János-hegy can be seen from the upper section of the valley. 

(Fotó: Nagy Ákos)

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