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Erzsébet-térdeplő (Elizabeth Kneeler)
Erzsébet-térdeplő (Elizabeth Kneeler)

The Erzsébet-térdeplő memorial is next to the blue circuit trail, and near Jánoshegyi Road. There are wooden benches, a rain shelter, and a fireplace.

The easiest way to get here is to take the blue circuit trail from Normafa. It is also several metres north the former Sport Hotel on Jánoshegyi Road, on the opposite (western) side of the road
The rest area is also accessible from the upper station of the Libegő Chairlift via the blue circuit trail.


   The local people have called this area many names, but its name now it recalls Queen Elizabeth of Hungary. It is now known as Erzsébet-térdeplő (Elizabeth kneeler) because it has a prayer desk and kneeler under a picture of the Virgin Mary.

Around the beginning of the 1800s, a portrait of the Virgin Mary was hung on a mature beech tree somewhere along the road connecting Normafa with János-hegy. After the passing of Queen Elizabeth, the creators of the rest area built the kneeler to honour the departed monarch. However with time, the original kneeler, as well as a bust of Erzsébet Stróbl Alajos, disappeared, and the beech tree upon which the portrait hung also died.

The kneeler and the lookout on the summit were both built because these were places that the Queen liked to visit.  Elizabeth considered it her favourite area for walks, generating many stories about her visits.  On one occasion, for example, bad weather set in suddenly, so she had herself carried down to Disznófő in a rickety cart. The cart was carrying dry sticks, but on her request, it was immediately unloaded. On another occasion, a local gypsy street musician, no more than a child, accompanied her highness all the way to the restaurant at Szépjuhászné while playing his violin. In order to preserve the memory of the Queen for posterity, a stone lookout tower was built and named for her on the summit of János-hegy


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