Akadálymentes HU





Rubberized running track
Rubberized running track

Stretching from Normafa to the Erzsébet lookout on János-hegy is one of Hungary’s most scenic running tracks. It is a total of 2040 metres, of which the section to the Libegő Chairlift is 1740 metres. Runners in peak condition will find that the last section of 300 metres rises 20 metres up to the lookout.


The track is 1.5 metres wide, allowing runners to pass each other in opposite directions. Environmentally friendly, motion-sensitive lighting has been placed alongside the track so that it may also be used after dark.


Cyclists, Nordic walkers, dogwalkers, and people on scooters, as well as those with prams should use the asphalt path which runs alongside the running track so that its rubberized surface is not damaged and the risk of an accidental collision with runners is minimised.



Photos: Nagy Ákos

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