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A circuit of Normafa Park
A circuit of Normafa Park
The main sights in one walk
Starting from Normafa, follow the ridgeline in the direction of the Erzsébet lookout on János-hegy (John Hill). After a few minutes, the route passes by Anna-rét (Anna Field) and a newly renovated children’s playground. The blue circuit trail meets the ridgeline here, so we continue along it. After passing the former Sport Hotel, bear to the right and walk among the tall birch trees, following the ridgeline to the Libegő chairlift. A shaded playground is also situated here. From here walk up an asphalt road to Erzsébet lookout at the top of János-hegy (John Hill), or if you are very fit, climb the stairs shaded by trees.  From the gravelled area on the lower side of the lookout we proceed in the direction of Átjáró-barlang (Passageway Cave). The narrow winding path occasionally affords views in the direction of Nagy-Hárs-hegy. The trail follows the sealed road several metres later, then arrives at the cave. Further along the road, the green triangle trail leads us downhill. Follow this path for around 15 minutes, under the Libegő chairlift to the rest area of the Tündér-szikla quarry. The marked trail turns left just after the quarry, and after several metres reaches Tündér-szikla (Fairy Rock). The green triangle trail meets the green stripe trail.  Turn right and follow this trail past Disznófő Forrás (Boar Head Spring) and the Kossuth memorial to the lower side of Anna-rét (Anna Field) and the top end of Egyetemi lejtő (Universilty slope), until it returns to Normafa.

Difficulty: Apart from the section immediately before the lookout, there are no steep climbs.  From Tündér-szikla there is a longer uphill section with a gentle incline. The route is classified as having medium level difficulty due to the gradually rising slopes and the section before the lookout.

Visitors in good physical condition find this an easy walk.
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All height:234 m
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