Akadálymentes HU






Anna-rét is a very safe area for sledding. The hillside is not very steep, and it also has a level section at the bottom of the slope which helps sledders to slow down and stop safely, avoiding accidents.


Anna-rét can be reached in a few minutes from Normafa on foot. The sledding area also has a public toilet.


It is important that ski runs are not used for sledding, in order to avoid accidents. The increasing steepness of these runs makes them unsafe for sledding, as well as the lack of safe level areas for slowing and stopping. Skiers and sledders frequently cross each other’s paths, which unfortunately leads to serious accidents.


If such an accident occurs during the weekend, first aid staff are available by calling +36 20 499 1111, as well as ambulance staff by calling the emergency number 112, which also has English speaking operators.


(Photos: Nagy Ákos)

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