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Downhill skiing has been a tradition in Normafa since the start of the twentieth century when seven ski runs were created. In the 1980s, a “platter” ski lift was built to serve the skiers at Kis-Norma and Nagy-Norma and lights were also installed.

The Kis-Norma run is recommended for all, but the Nagy-Norma and Harangvölgy runs are also suitable for experienced skiers. The latter and the Egyetemi runs also offer excellent terrain for ski touring.

The easiest access to the Kis-Norma run is from the Normafa bus stop for Route 21.  The run leads down the northern side of the hill.  The upper part of the run has a gentle slope which is ideal for beginners, while the increasingly steeper lower section is only recommended for experienced skiers. The run is about 300 metres in length, but it narrows from 130 metres to 30 metres as it drops. Many skiing schools regularly use the run for training and courses. Following the internationally accepted categorization of difficulty levels, the upper section is classed as “blue” and the lower one “red”.


The Nagy-Norma run is to the left of and parallel to the Kis-Norma run looking down from the ridge.  It gradually becomes steeper, with the lower section notably narrow.  For this reason, the entire run is recommended only for careful skiers.  Following the internationally accepted categorization of difficulty levels, it is classed as “black”.


The Harang-völgy run is accessible from below from the last stop of Bus 155, or from above via the Kis-Norma or Nagy-Norma runs, or from the Kis-Egyetem or Nagy-Egyetem runs, below Mátyás Király Road. The slope is changeable, so it requires certain level of skill. Skiers should use the run after adequate snowfall to protect the significant plant life. The terrain is excellent for ski touring. Following the internationally accepted categorization of difficulty levels, it is classed as “red”.


The Kis-Egyetem and Nagy-Egyetem runs lie below Anna-rét. The runs vary in width and are dotted with trees. It is requested that skiers use the runs after adequate snowfall to protect the significant plant life. The terrain is excellent for ski touring. Following the internationally accepted categorization of difficulty levels, it is classed as “red”.


The runs are not currently provided with ski-lifts, artificial snow making or lighting, but these things are planned for the Kis-Norma and Nagy-Norma ski runs.


In order to avoid accidents, it is important that ski runs are not used for sledding. The increasing steepness of these runs makes them unsafe for sledding, as well as the lack of safe level areas for slowing and stopping. Skiers and sledders frequently cross each other’s paths, which unfortunately leads to serious accidents. Sledding is allowed on Anna-rét, which is suitably safe for this purpose.


If an accident occurs during the weekend, first aid staff are available by calling +36 20 499 1111, as well as ambulance staff by calling the emergency number 112, which also has English speaking operators.


The Kis-Norma run

Nagy-Egyetem run

Kis-Egyetem run


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