Akadálymentes HU





Széchenyi-hegy (Széchenyi Hill)
Széchenyi-hegy (Széchenyi Hill)

The hiking community of Budapest looks back on a long past in Széchenyi-hegy.  Since 1890, this area has been accessible by the Cogwheel Railway, helping the numbers of visitors to grow and boosting its popularity.

This was the site of Budapest’s first golf course between 1915 and 1951. This high-standard course was suitable for international competitions, as well as the first pairs championship in 1922.

A 60-metre transmission tower, the first in Hungary, was erected here in 1955, and used for television broadcasts from 1958. In 1975, next to the original tower, a 192-metre communications tower was built, which is still in use today.

The construction of the Children’s Railway began here in 1948.  In the same year, the first section of three kilometres was completed and opened.

The green cross and green triangle walking trails cross the plateau, allowing walkers to ramble through the forests and fields.

Széchenyi-hegy is easy to reach by either the Children’s Railway from Hűvösvölgy or the Cogwheel Railway from Városmajor.

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