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Roller skiing
Roller skiing
The high-quality surface of Jánoshegyi Road is suitable for sports such as roller skiing. The road stretches two kilometres, all the way to the lookout.  The last 300-metre section is very steep, so it is only suitable for very experienced roller skiers going either uphill or downhill.
The nearly 1.7-kilometre-long section between Normafa and upper station of the Libegő Chairlift is fairly level and it is also closed to vehicular traffic.

Roller skiing is a useful way for cross-country skiers to train when there is no snow. Vasas Sports Club conducts roller skiing training in Normafa Park under the direction of coach Miklós Holló. 

The Normafa Roller Skiing Cup is held in Normafa on the first weekend of October every year.  It is jointly organized by Vasas Sports Club and the Normafa Park Maintenance and Management Authority.
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