Akadálymentes HU






There are ten designated fireplaces in Normafa Park at the following locations:

- Anna-rét (Anna Field), upper section – four fireplaces

- Szent Anna kápolna (St. Anna’s Chapel) – two fireplaces

- Szaniszló-rét – one fireplace

- Erzsébet-tédepló (Elizabeth Kneeler) – one fireplace

- Béka-tó (Frog Lake) – one fireplace

- Tündérhegyi kőfejtő (Fairy Hill Quarry) – one fireplace

Pieces of firewood, each about one metre long, are regularly placed near each designated fireplace for visitors to use.

The fireplaces can be used by groups of less than fifty people without a permit as long as the gathering is not an officially advertised event.

If a gathering is an officially advertised event or is planned for fifty or more people, a permit will be needed to use the fireplace. Click HERE to contact the relevant authority.


We ask all visitors to respect the natural environment by using the designated fireplaces and keeping to the following rules:

- Before lighting a fire, clear all leaves and twigs away from the area around the fireplace so that the fire has less chance of spreading into the forest.

- Do not leave a fire unattended, nor any embers or ash that have not completely cooled down.

- If the wind increases, the fire does not need to be put out. Be ready to put it out if the wind increases significantly.

- After using a fire, put it out carefully, and make sure it is completely out. Before leaving, scatter earth onto the smouldering ashes.

- It is forbidden to put rubbish or explosive materials in the fire.

- It is forbidden to light fires during fire bans, even in designated fireplaces.

To find more information about fire restrictions, click HERE.

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