Akadálymentes HU





Along the edge of Tündér-hegy quarry
Along the edge of Tündér-hegy quarry
Challenging downhill route to the quarry
Starting from Normafa, proceed along the ridgeline towards Erzsébet lookout on János-hegy (John Hill).  After a few minutes we pass Anna-rét (Anna Field) where a newly renovated playground is located. Further along the ridge we meet the blue circuit trail and follow it further along the ridge. After bearing right at the former Sport Hotel, walk through a stand of tall beech trees, and then return to the ridgeline to reach the Libegő chairlift upper station. Continue along the asphalt road, or if you are very fit, climb directly up the shaded stairs to the Erzsébet lookout on the summit of János-hegy. Turning right from the lookout’s lower terrace, a narrow serpentine trail leads north to Átjáró-barlang (Passageway Cave). Following this winding trail leads to the asphalt road.  Turn right at the road and proceed a few metres to reach the cave. Further along from the cave, the green triangle trail goes up from the road by a set of stairs to the right, and winds back towards the chairlift station. On the opposite side of the station, our route leads down under the chairlift.  It becomes progressively steeper and more difficult until it reaches the top of the Tündér-hegy quarry, from where there is a marvellous view. Turning right from this edge, a more difficult path leads to Tündérhegyi Road, and then the going is easier, following the green triangle trail to Tündér-szikla (Fairy Rock). Follow this marked trail on until you reach its end at Lóvasút Cultural and Event Centre.

Difficulty: The section between the Libegő chairlift upper station and the quarry is challenging, as it proceeds steeply downhill and can be slippery. The crumbling stones make the going harder for walkers.
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All height:95 m
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