Akadálymentes HU






Normafa is accessible by car from all directions, and parking is available.

Parking areas are shown on the map, allowing you to plan your approach easily.

However, on heavy traffic days (when the weather is mild and good for walking, or on snowy weekends in winter), the parking areas fill up quickly, making the search for a free space time-consuming.

On such occasions we recommend that you use public transport to reach Normafa.

Normafa Park is private land owned by the Hegyvidék Local Government (the twelfth district of Budapest), so it is not a designated city parking zone. Owners, operators or drivers of vehicles that enter and remain for more than five minutes in a Normafa parking area between 8 am and 8 pm on weekends and public holidays are required to pay a parking fee of 440 forint per hour. At other times, parking is free.

The Hegyvidék Local Government can issue a fifty percent discount on the cost of parking for those who live in or have a place of residence in Hegyvidék, as long as the weight of their vehicle does not exceed 3500 kilograms.

Vehicles displaying a valid parking receipt and parked according to the rules can remain in the parking area for the designated time. There is no maximum time period on weekends and public holidays except for the time displayed on the parking receipt.

Normafa parking discounts can be purchased exclusively by mobile telephone.
Zone number: 3127
+36 20 763 3127
+36 30 763 3127
+36 70 763 3127

Parking areas in Normafa are not patrolled or guarded. The Hegyvidék Local Government takes no responsibility for damage caused by any reason to vehicles parked in Normafa.


Personal identification is required to register for parking discounts in Hegyvidék.
Registration takes 24 hours.
A limit of one permit per person per vehicle applies.
Registration is exclusively online via the Hegyvidék Local Government’s e-administration system.
The applicant must live in or have a place of residence in the twelfth district of Budapest.
It is forbidden to enter or park in any Normafa parking area with any vehicle that is over 3500 kilograms in weight or that is not displaying a valid vehicle registration plate.
The discount applies from the first working day after the registration.


Registering for the discount is free.

One can only pay the discounted parking fee


Any queries or complaints can be made either in person on weekdays between 8 am and 4 pm at this address: 1126 Budapest, Böszörményi út 24., by telephone (06 1 323 3036), by post, or by e-mail (ugyfelszolgalat@hegyvidekiparkolas.hu).


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